Aug 29, 2019
Achieving family balance is a worthy endeavor. When a family feels balanced, children tend to feel more secure and less stressed. Less stress means less “misbehavior.” To assess your Family Balance, do the following activity.
The 8 categories for Well-Balanced Family:
1. Click below to print out a clean copy of the Balance Wheel:
Balance Wheel PDF
2. Draw a line in the Balance Wheel above from the center that represents a scale of 0 – 5. Zero meaning non-existent to 5 meaning you feel very satisfied with this category. Here is an example:
3. Now draw lines connecting the tips of your categories:
4. Now concentrate on the shape you’ve just created. If this were truly a wheel on your car, everyone would be in for a bumpy ride!
How does this imbalance affect you? How does it affect others? How will you feel when your wheel becomes more balanced? How will family members react differently when it is more balanced?This week, take time to consider the categories on the wheel that need improvement. Think about the changes you can make to really round out that wheel. You don’t have to think about all the categories all at once. It might be helpful to focus on one category per week.Do the assessment periodically over the next 12 weeks to track how your Balance Wheel is shaping up!
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