Aug 29, 2019
When is the right time to go back to work after you’ve had a baby? There’s no clear-cut answer for this one, as there are so many factors that affect this decision, like finances, career path, family support, and the emotional readiness of the mother. We asked early childhood expert, Jeanne-Marie Paynel, to weigh in on the topic.
“It’s a personal, delicate question” explains Paynel. “In an ideal world, you choose the time you want to stay at home with your child.”
Paynel, who is a home guide and consultant for parents, acknowledges that while it would be wonderful for moms to stay home for the first year, most mothers simply can’t afford that. When possible, she recommends a minimum of three months of staying home with the baby. The first few weeks of life is when the infant is building trust in the world he lives in, and that is best accomplished when Mom is there with him.
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When it is time to return to work, Paynel advises mothers to let go of the guilt. “I really don’t want mothers to feel guilty about going to work,” she says. “If they love their job and they are happy working then they really should go back to work because children want happy parents. If a parent is thinking this is the best thing for my child, but they’re miserable that’s not beneficial to the child.”
Paynel reminds us that it is a parent’s instinct to do what is best for their babies with the means they have. “We instinctually try our hardest to give our children the best possible thing and that’s all we can do. Children are way more intelligent than we give them credit for, so they feel everything. If you’re a happy parent, they will be happy children.”
by Pamela Layug Laney
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