Aug 29, 2019
Toddlers will be contrary because they have just figured out that they are totally separate from their parents. When they say no, they are asserting and testing this new-found independence. A recent study in Child Development showed that 2- and 3-year-olds will argue with their parents up to 25 times an hour! It’s not because they’re being naughty; it’s just their nature at this stage in their development. Most children generally outgrow the constant nay-saying between 3 and 5 years old.
Natural or not, having to do battle with the Nos isn’t a ton of fun for parents, so here are some suggestions to help deal with and/or prevent toddler negativism.
Parenting expert Susie Walton reminds parents that toddlers are just discovering the world and their place in it. “Toddlers haven’t figured out how to get their needs met, so they’re just trying out different ways. They’re not bad little kids.”
Learn more from parenting expert Susie Walton in our online course!
One last piece of advice is to keep your sense of humor about toddler defiance. Remind yourself that you were that little once. It’s just a normal stage in child development, and all too soon you will be nostalgic for that cute little 2-year-old face, “nos” and all.
by Pamela Laney
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